This money hack of TikTok’s notes app could change your shopping habits

You probably know the feeling: You’re leisurely scrolling through TikTok or maybe browsing in a store and suddenly you’re adding row after row of items to your cart. It’s hard to resist the impulse to buy the latest fashion trend, a dorm gadget you didn’t know you needed, or just another must-have beauty product. But before you even have time to think, those purchases add up to a large amount, leaving you with regrets and a dwindling bank account.

But what if there was a way to satisfy that urge to buy without spending money? Thanks to a viral TikTok video, shoppers are now learning about a new hack that is changing the way people shop. TikTok creator and host of the I am on your side Podcaster @averagesisi, known in real life as Sierra Boudreaux, has shared a shopping method that curbs impulsive spending and rewards you for making smart choices. It’s a perfect hack for anyone who loves to shop but wants to avoid the guilt of overspending.

In her July 22 TikTok video, Boudreaux shares a simple but effective way to save money that requires nothing more than your phone’s Notes app. Instead of buying something as soon as you see it, you simply add it to your Notes app, including the date you saw it and the price. Then, at the end of each month, you add up the cost of all the items you put on the list, put half of that total into your savings account, and you can spend the rest of the amount—either on some of the items you put on the list or on something else entirely.

“This way we save money and get the dopamine rush at the same time,” says Boudreaux in her video explaining the hack. “Because often we don’t actually want the thing – we want the dopamine that we associate with it.”

This hack is different because it uses the psychology of delayed gratification, but in a doable way. Instead of making impulse purchases for that quick feeling of relief, this method gets you to stop and think: do I really need this or am I just buying mindlessly? The key to this hack is the moment of reflection that comes with pausing and considering why you want to buy the item, as well as feeling rewarded for the money you saved.

I’m definitely guilty of being seduced by HaulToks, and with the algorithm constantly feeding me ads and “must-have” videos, it’s easy to get carried away and buy things I don’t even care about later. However, tracking your buying impulses with the Notes app money hack can help you stay in control and make smarter decisions. And the best part? This hack doesn’t just stop you from spending money; it rewards you, so it’s a win-win all around.

By Olivia

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