Troy Regional Medical Center is one of 391 hospitals nationwide with the lowest C. diff rate – The Troy Messenger

Troy Regional Medical Center is one of 391 hospitals nationwide with the lowest C. diff rates

Published on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, 2:13 p.m.

Three hundred and ninety-one hospitals in the United States have a Clostridioides difficile Infection rate of zero, based on the CMS healthcare-acquired infections dataset.

The measures are developed by the CDC and collected through the National Healthcare Safety Network. The measures show how frequently patients at a given hospital acquire certain infections over the course of medical treatment compared to similar hospitals. The data was collected from October 2022 to September 2023 and was last updated on July 31. The CDC calculates a standardized infection ratio that may take into account the location of care, the number of patients with an existing infection, laboratory methods, the hospital’s affiliation with a medical school, the size of hospital beds, the patient’s age and health status. The measures apply to all patients treated in acute care hospitals, including adults, children, newborns, Medicare and non-Medicare patients, according to the CMS data dictionary.

By Olivia

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