Trump is better than Harris. And America, we are in big trouble

A Donald Trump press conference is every fact-checker’s nightmare. He speaks without notes, without pauses – and much of what he says seems inappropriate, if not obviously made up.


A Donald Trump press conference is like a ride on the fastest roller coaster at an amusement park. It is simultaneously exciting and boring, fast and slow, funny and scary. There are highs and lows, slanders and self-congratulations, facts and myths – all in one dizzying ride.

The former president’s question-and-answer session with reporters on Tuesday at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida was a classic Trumpian musing. The Republican nominee denigrated his Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris, and her new running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. He repeatedly criticized the state of the country, citing myriad problems including inflation, the cost of electric vehicles and chaos at the border.

It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t terrible either. But a few things stood out.

Trump actually showed up. That should give him credit. Harris has been on the campaign trail for nearly three weeks and has yet to hold a similar press conference with questions from reporters. She has also been turning down requests for interviews since June.

Trump displayed a certain chutzpah on Tuesday that Harris has so far lacked.

During the press conference, Trump said some things that made sense – and a lot of things that didn’t quite make sense.

He also said he had agreed to debate Harris on ABC on September 10. The network released a statement saying Harris had also agreed to the debate.

Trump slanders Kamala Harris’ intelligence information

A Trump press conference is a fact-checker’s nightmare. He speaks without notes, without pauses – and much of what he says seems out of place, if not obviously made up. But every now and then he throws in a few astute comments to make Republicans smile.

Trump took exception, and rightly so, to the fact that voters in the primaries supported President Joe Biden for a second term and that Harris is now running for president without having to face the primaries. “The fact that you can get no votes in the primary system and still run for president seems unconstitutional,” he said.

This is not unconstitutional, but it is not exactly democratic either.

Trump is right that we are all witnessing a historic turn of events and that the electoral process should not work this way. Many conservatives have struggled with the way Harris won the nomination. The fact that Biden was pushed aside and Democrats embraced Harris with joy and without much criticism still seems odd. “Joe Biden had the presidency taken away from him – and I’m not a Biden fan,” Trump said.

Trump also said that when it comes to left-wing politics, “Harris is worse” than Biden. “If (Harris) becomes president, our country will be a huge failure,” Trump said.

And he said, “Kamala’s record is terrible. She is a radical leftist.”

Republicans certainly agree on these allegations.

With Walz as Vice President Harris is sticking to her radical left-wing plans. The Republicans must take advantage of that.

But Trump couldn’t resist predictable and superficial attacks. “I’m not a big fan of his intelligence,” Trump said of Walz, “but I think (Harris) is actually not as smart as he is.”

Trump also said Harris is “not smart enough to hold a press conference.” If Harris is smart, she will accept Trump’s challenge.

Trump says the country is in a “dangerous situation”

Trump began his speech by expressing concern for the country, particularly the economy. He is right. This issue is the most important one for most Americans.

“Our country is in the most dangerous situation it has ever been in,” Trump said, referring to the economic situation. “We have a leadership that has no clue.”

Are we heading for a recession? With stock markets collapsing, ask yourself: Do you really want Harris to run the economy?

While Trump did not elaborate on what his fiscal policy would look like in a second term, he did tout the idea of ​​eliminating the federal income tax on tips. The proposal, a staple of his campaign messaging, may actually find bipartisan support. Texas Senator Ted Cruz has already introduced the proposed tax cut in Congress.

Trump’s style is not improving

In typical Trump fashion, the press conference gave him a platform to praise himself. Donald Trump’s praise for Donald Trump is often effusive, superficial and false.

On Tuesday, he claimed he had drawn a larger crowd than the one that gathered to hear Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech. In fact, an estimated 250,000 people attended the March on Washington at which King spoke.

That’s Trump. He is narcissistic and boastful, he makes a lot of innuendos and false claims, but he hardly knows any facts and details.

Trump is not a great politician, not a gifted speaker, not a kind person, and not a convincing candidate. And yet he is the one the Republican Party elected. His press conference on Tuesday was further proof that he is not the best choice to represent the Republicans, the conservatives, or America.

But is he better than Harris? I think conservative policies are better for the country, so if he can implement them, then yes.

Harris is a more conventional politician, but is also further to the left than Bernie Sanders. Trump is not as well versed in facts, but represents some conservative ideas.

The hurdle for the presidency is so low it’s buried. This is America in 2024.

Nicole Russell is an opinion columnist for USA TODAY. She lives in Texas with her four children. Sign up for her newsletter, The Right Track, and get it delivered to your inbox..

By Olivia

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