Trump says he wants to get his hair cut at the Black Barbershop

Former President Donald Trump said Fox News presenter Lawrence Jones that he would like to have his hair cut by a black barber and expressed his confidence in the likely outcome.

Along the way, Jones played some clips from his own visit to a black hair salon in Chicago and asked Trump, “Are you going to be on the ground in the hair salons and in the local communities talking about the issues that are important to them?”


TRUMP: If they had included those numbers, those would be the worst crime numbers we’ve ever had.

JONES: So, Mr. President, let’s talk about Chicago. You mentioned it. I’ve had the opportunity – I’ve been traveling all over Chicago for years. But I went to a barber shop and there were a lot of people there.

They talked about you. They talked about Kamala Harris stealing your tipping plan. They say they’re open – that’s a little bit of the people I talk to. Pay attention.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We’ve been doing these barbershop tours since 2003, and it’s really eye-opening to hear how individual people are starting to change their political direction. I think it’s time for black people in general to raise their political IQ and stop being blindly loyal to a one-party system that doesn’t work for us.

I’ve always liked Donald Trump. He was an icon in our community for years and suddenly he’s this big Klansman (ph).

JONES: What has changed?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think the people in power have recognized his potential in our community. If Republicans would start coming into these communities and really communicating, they would come into the barbershops and start seeing. We speak the same language.

JONES: Uh, yeah.

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: But they don’t – they don’t know how to communicate. So they prefer not to.


JONES: Mr. President, he says you need to communicate directly with voters. Will you be on the ground in barbershops and communities talking about the issues that matter to them?

TRUMP: And I’m going to do that. I like this guy and I like these people in – I watched you do it yesterday. You’re doing a fantastic job, by the way.

I watched you guys do the interviews yesterday. They’re great people. They’re people who just want security. They don’t want much. He wants to keep running his barbershop.

The people who got their hair cut – I was thinking about maybe going there myself because the – they – I like the work, maybe they can just make my hair look better. I would pay a lot of money for that haircut. They can make my hair look better.

But you know, honestly, these are great people, these are hard-working people. They’re strong. They’re tough. And they know they’re being betrayed by the Democrats.

Chicago has a corrupt political system. Look at your governor — the governor is an incompetent guy. He was thrown out of the family business. He was — Hyatt Hotels, I was a partner in a job in New York years ago. They threw him out of the business.

I know the family very well. They kicked him out because they didn’t want him in the business.

In the end he becomes governor. He has money. In the end he becomes governor. He is incompetent.

Look, there is a lot of corruption in Chicago and all of Illinois, but we play a big role there. We play a big role in New York. The situation is the same in New York.

If you went to a hair salon – no matter what hair salon you’re talking about, no matter if you went to a hair salon in New York, in Los Angeles, or any other place you chose, you’re going to experience the same thing, the same reaction.

You’re really upset and I saw the moms on your show this morning before we went on, so sad. You’ve given up on life, you have the worst prosecutors, they’re going after people like me, they’re not going after me – they’re going after me for questioning the election and things like that.

That’s nonsense. If an election cannot be challenged, then we don’t have a country. But when people are killed, when their children are killed, nothing happens.

I remember Jussie Smollett. I said they had to prosecute this guy, and they did. But Jussie Smollett had free reign, and yet these murderers are – and they know who they are. The worst part is that they know who they are. They don’t even go and get them.

And there are many such communities. Chicago is terrible in this regard, but there are many such communities.

Chicago was a great city 20 years ago. I built a great building in Chicago. In fact, I see it every time they do the skyline. But Chicago really got it wrong, and I think I’m going to get a tremendous amount of votes from Chicago.

By Olivia

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