Trump tweets “Are you feeling better now?” and people respond

And other people often have to endure A LOT.

In addition, dealing with other people’s bad behavior can be a trigger.

No, two wrongs do not make a right, but karma can be healing.

Sometimes the devil on our shoulders strikes down this angel and binds him.

I thank God for forgiveness.

Redditor Gerco709 wanted everyone to confess their past bad behavior, so he asked:

“What kind of calculating, cold-blooded act have you committed?”


“My boss was known for smashing keyboards and mice when he got angry, so I bought a cheap wireless mouse and plugged the dongle into the back of his PC where no one could see it. I could look across the hall and kind of see when he was using the mouse, and I would just move the cursor enough that it felt like something was wrong. That week I got him to break another mouse.”

– MadMelvin

Frustrated Keyboard GIFGiphy

So that’s what I did

“In 2000, I worked as a security guard for a man at a dot-com company. He wouldn’t pay overtime, demanded 60+ hour weeks, and called me in on my days off. I refused once and he fired me. I returned all my uniforms and he charged me $180 for cleaning.”

“When I was unemployed, I talked to the building’s facility manager about some of the shady things I saw him doing. He told me if I had my own security license and insurance, he would cancel their contract and hire me. So that’s what I did.”

“A few days later, I walk through the front door and am stopped by security. He tells me that I have been terminated and am no longer allowed in the building. The building’s facility manager comes out and tells him that I am here on official business.”

“The following Monday, with the new contract in hand, I walked into the front door of the property, relieved my former boss of his duties, and escorted him off the property. I could see the steam coming out of his ears. He was angry.”

– FinzClortho


“The previous manager was an absolutely horrible person. I’ll spare you the details. She bankrupted our team and then fired many of us a year ago, including me. Then two months later she found another job and left. I recently found out she started her own consulting firm and announced it on a popular social media site for job openings. What she neglected to do was secure the domain names and social media handles for the new business venture. I’ve tried every variation I can think of. Fuck off!”

– Kayaklabguy


“I ran a painting company while I was in college and did a lot of work in my neighborhood. After I had done most of the work, the neighbor called me and refused to pay at all unless the price was reduced. I explained to him that by doing so he would only hurt me, as everyone else was still entitled to the money they had worked for. The neighbor demanded a price reduction anyway, which resulted in me paying for the work.”

“It’s a shame he didn’t get the color approved by the neighborhood homeowners association. One anonymous complaint later, the neighbor had to pay for the repaint.”

– Silky fabric

The Wrestler

“I was brought in as an alternate for a masters swim team between college years. I didn’t have a lot of money, but they said it would be cool as long as I helped people with their swimming stroke and won my meets.”

“It worked. At the end of the summer meet and the open water competition, we finished second in the state. The team improved dramatically.”

“After the season ended, I planned to continue training with them for the last two weeks before school started. The treasurer asked me for contributions for the last few months… and the coach also pressured me. They both conveniently forgot about our original deal after the team did so well.”

“So I approached the management of the state swimming association and told them that I was getting benefits for swimming. They disqualified the team based on the results. I also asked the tax authorities to audit the coach because he was paid illegally for training and teaching. He was audited… maybe he shouldn’t have boasted about it.”

– um, swim

Oh, sure!

“One time, a school bully came to my work to apply for a job. It was a cool, well-paying job for teenagers. He asked me why I was there, and I told him I worked there. His attitude changed and he asked me to put in a good word for him. I said, ‘Oh, sure!’ I went in, went to my boss’s office and told him, ‘So-and-so just applied for a job. Please don’t hire him. He has been relentlessly bullying me and others.’ My boss crumpled up his application and threw it away.”

– HoneyNutJesse0s

“Quit Jimmy Fallon” GIF from The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy FallonGiphy

Out of sight

“A customer would come into my store and often put a candy bar wrapper in one of the shopping carts waiting at the entrance as if it were a trash can. He would often tell me that he was diabetic and was only doing this special shopping for his wife so he could steal his favorite candy bars. After he disappeared from sight, I would pick up his trash and wait.”

“When I saw him approaching my checkout, I quickly dropped the packaging into the shopping bag I had put the cans of dog food he was going to buy. I hope he never looked in the bag and just went home and left it for his wife to clean up and discover his secret snack. I know it was several weeks before I saw him again.”


Bad creditworthiness

“Once, when I worked in a very competitive office, I noticed that a colleague always took credit for my ideas. So I started sending him incorrect and meaningless suggestions while he saved the good ones to present directly to our boss. It wasn’t long before his reputation plummeted and I was promoted. It was a calculated act, but I felt it was the only way to ensure my work was recognized ☺”

– Multiple-Draft2547


“I had a narcissistic mother who made my life hell. And my father revealed to me that it meant a lot to her that we went shopping for my prom dress together. I had a part-time job and saved up the money for months to buy everything myself from a thrift store. This was around 1997, when that wasn’t usually done. I dressed up and went alone, and it was her first taste of being out of my life due to her endless painful emotional manipulation during my childhood.”

– 1_art_please


“My ex-fiancée cheated on me with her boss. I was devastated. I really thought she was the one. I also knew the company had a zero tolerance policy against this kind of thing between people and their direct reports. I spent a few months trying to work it out with her until I had all the evidence I needed. I emailed every condemning screenshot I had to his boss, all the other managers, HR, and company leadership. They both got fired and I still don’t regret it. He knew we were engaged and ended up offering her a promotion to sleep with him, and I had a copy of that screenshot too.”

– playinthedirt76

The boldness

“A former colleague was absolutely horrible to me. We work in a pretty niche industry. I haven’t been with that company for years, but I’m in the same industry. He got laid off and applied for a job with me. He had the nerve to message me and ask for a reference letter. I said OK and then made damn sure he didn’t get it.”

– ReporterOk4979

GIF from BBC ThreeGiphy

Hut problems

“When I was 17, I worked at Pizza Hut and was allowed to bring food home. Every now and then my sister would call and ask for a personal pan. When she was being a bitch, I would always find new ways to hide jalapenos in it. She would always get good and look for them. Some days I would do nothing and she would still take it apart to make sure there were no jalapenos in it. One time I hid them IN the crust. If she didn’t rip it apart, she would never find them.

“We had a two-year age difference and she was a little asshole in high school, so this was my best form of revenge.”

– sexi_thaddäus

Where is she?

“I had a colleague who frequently left her desk to ‘go to the bathroom’, i.e. to take a smoke break. We work on a conveyor belt, so I had to keep retracting the belt for her. If I didn’t do that, the belt would jam. She would leave several times a day during a shift and always come back smelling of cigarette smoke.”

“One day she left, and then the manager’s boss walked down the halls to inspect the tapes. I told her that the person next to me had walked out the door and had been gone for a while, so the manager went to look for her. The coworker came back immediately and apparently tried to hide behind a semi-truck in the yard.”

– Captain Marrow

I reported them…

“I got a co-worker fired. We worked at a nursing home for children with special needs. She was neither good at her job nor did she have the temperament to work with people with special needs. I didn’t like her, she didn’t like me (granted, she didn’t like a lot of people), and we had a few verbal altercations while on the same shift. So the first time she did something that violated a rule that I would normally let anyone else get away with… I reported her.”

“It turned out that other people had complained about her, too, but my supervisor said that my official report, the first and only formal one, was the last straw. She was fired the next day. I hate the thought of anyone losing their job, and I felt bad about being so involved in the process, but honestly, she made her own bed. Still, I felt some personal satisfaction because I just didn’t like her, and that’s the coldest thing I’ve ever done/felt toward anyone.”

Square Raspberry560


“As a child, I always unplugged the bouncy castle when there were children in it. Today I know that it’s dangerous, but when I was 6, it was fun.”

– Feel like a plant

Evil Smile GIFGiphy

I always hated these bouncy castles.

And now I’m glad I left it alone.

You can’t trust six-year-olds.

That is the most important lesson from “Shining.”

I’m glad to read that I’m not the only one ready for revenge or serving karma.

Apples and oranges.

Some colleagues take revenge themselves.

As long as no one dies, sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

By Olivia

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