Two-time Trump voter turns against “unstable” former president

MSNBC’s Katie Phang said Tuesday that Donald Trump’s sprawling campaign rallies could hurt the former president among some of his biggest supporters.

At some events, dozens of participants could be seen looking for the exit long before Trump’s speech.

And Phang mentioned a former supporter who left a Trump rally saying she would not vote for him this time, in part because of what she had heard.

“I voted for him in 2016 and had a Trump flag in my front yard. I voted for him again in 2020, but this time I didn’t put the flag up,” a voter named Jenny told The Guardian, adding:

“I considered voting for him again because Biden was so bad for the economy and Kamala isn’t going to be any better. But after hearing this, I’m actually scared of Trump being president again. I don’t know what he’s been talking about half the time. Maybe he’s always been like this, but he seems worse, more unstable.”

Phang also pointed to other recent moments with Trump that were odd even by his standards, such as his smile and thumbs-up during a photo op at the graves of fallen U.S. Marines or his boasting that he thinks he “looks a lot better” than Vice President Kamala Harris.

“He’s always been deluded, incoherent, petty, dishonest and impulsive. That’s Trump,” she said. “But the older he gets and the more he tries to find his footing in a changing campaign, the more Trump becomes, shall we say, Trumpier.”

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By Olivia

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