Voters can decide who controls their decisions

With the 2024 election approaching, it is clear that this is all about freedom. At its core, this election is not just about politics or party lines; it is about who gets to control our decisions and our lives.

One party stands for women’s freedom to decide about their own bodies. They believe that women, not the government, should have the final say over their healthcare, including access to IVF to start/grow families. The other party wants to impose restrictions by giving the government control over women’s bodies and taking away their personal autonomy. This party wants the government to control your ability to start a family.

When it comes to our children’s education, one party advocates for parents and children to be free to choose what they read, for diverse perspectives to be considered, and for free thinking to be encouraged. The other party wants the government to decide for us by banning books and limiting what our children can learn, effectively censoring knowledge and stunting intellectual growth.

In the workplace, the struggle for freedom continues. One party supports the right to join a union and fight for fair treatment, safety and dignity in the workplace and to protect workers, regardless of their job. But the other party seeks to limit these rights and make it harder for workers to voice their opinions and demand the respect and safety they deserve.

As voters, we must recognize that the choices we make in this election will determine whether we move toward a future where freedom is valued and expanded, or one where it is restricted and controlled. The stakes have never been higher, and the choice has never been clearer. Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and the rest of the Democratic candidates in Stark County support your freedom. Their opponents (Donald Trump, JD Vance, and the GOP) want the government to control your freedom and your life.

Ian Tanner, Lake Township

By Olivia

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