Well-paid chambermaids: “It is high time to raise the national minimum wage”

Well-Paid Maids strongly supports an increase in the federal minimum wage.

In case you missed it, last month marked 15 years since the federal minimum wage was raised to $7.25 an hour. It hasn’t changed since then. What has changed? The cost of living.

Some states and cities have taken matters into their own hands. For example, Well-Paid Maids lobbied for Maryland’s Fair Wage Act, which increased the state’s minimum wage from $13.15 to $15 an hour.

While this is a significant step, it is important that the federal minimum wage also be increased. According to the EPI Low Wage Workforce Tracker, approximately 17 million people earn less than $15 an hour. A $15 hourly minimum wage would increase the wages of these millions of workers, reduce wage disparities, stimulate the economy, help families, and more.

Maids and cleaners are a sector that is often underpaid—and that’s why Well-Paid Maids is committed to paying a living wage. In the Washington metropolitan area, our cleaners make at least $24 an hour, and we offer insurance plans, 24 paid vacation days per year, 100% employer-paid travel expenses, and more.

Our living wage model is designed to show customers, competitors and policymakers that higher wages are good for workers – and good for business. After all, we have hundreds of satisfied customers across the region and a 4.9-star rating on Google Reviews.

By Olivia

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