West Virginia city approves measure to reduce prison sentences for marijuana possession / Public News Service

Charleston City Council members have given the green light to a citizen-initiated municipal measure to reduce local penalties for certain violations related to marijuana possession.

Bill 8039 eliminates fines and jail time for first-time possession of small amounts of marijuana. Under current state law, possession of marijuana is a misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Corey Zinn, community organizer for the group Charleston Can’t Wait, said the move is a positive step forward for the city.

“We guarantee that you will not have to pay a fine or serve a jail sentence unless you have a previous drug conviction and are arrested with 15 grams or less,” Zinn explained.

Under Section 89 of the city constitution, Charleston residents with enough signatures can put measures on the ballot through petitions, ordinances or amendments. More than 4,000 residents have signed the petition to reduce penalties for marijuana possession.

Zinn added that it was encouraging to hear city officials recognize the harm to the community associated with the criminalization of marijuana. According to data from West Virginia University, more than 1,600 residents were arrested for marijuana possession or sale in 2021.

“It was a very moving feeling to listen to these conversations and talk about racial differences,” Zinn noted.

Zinn believes the city’s ability to change drug policy is severely limited because of West Virginia’s harsh penalties for drug possession.

“There’s still a message that this is a crime, that you shouldn’t do this, and I think a lot of people would agree that’s not really the case,” Zinn stressed. “Unless another crime is being committed, there shouldn’t be a problem here.”

An overwhelming majority of U.S. adults (88%) said marijuana should be legal for medical or recreational use, according to a poll released earlier this year by the Pew Research Center.

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By Olivia

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