What happens when you throw a star at a black hole? It gets chaotic (video)

“What happens when you throw a star at a black hole?” We cannot answer this question physically here on Earth.

Fortunately, real black holes and stars can’t be smashed together in the lab! However, scientists can use modern supercomputer models to simulate how a black hole rips apart and devours a star in what’s called a tidal disruption event (TDE). A team of researchers led by Danel Price of Monash University has done just that and found that the answer to our initial question is: “It gets messy.”

“Black holes can’t eat that much,” Price told “Like me after a bad curry, not much goes into the black hole but comes back in the form of violent outflows. We see this in tidal currents – strong outflows, relatively low and constant temperature of the material, and large emission distances.”

A simulation of a black hole tearing apart an unfortunate star and spitting it out “like bad curry.” (Image credit: Daniel Price (2024))

And if that wasn’t disgusting enough, similar to a Saturday night mishap involving alcohol and a dodgy bhuna, black holes wake up surrounded by the regurgitated remains of their meals in a structure called an “Eddington envelope.”

By Olivia

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