What is the Science of Reading? Ohio schools are using the method this year

The science of reading will be taught in all Ohio schools this school year to increase literacy rates across the state.

Governor Mike DeWine is a big proponent of this phonics-based approach to reading instruction, which he proposed as part of the state budget. Lawmakers approved the proposal, and now all of Ohio’s schools are training teachers and creating new curricula to teach children to read.

But what is the science of reading? Here’s what parents need to know ahead of the 2024-25 school year.

What is the science of reading?

Reading science is one of two widely used literacy methods. Also known as structured literacy, reading science teaches students to break down words into letters and sounds.

The other commonly known method is called balanced literacy or whole language. In this approach, students learn strategies to discover unfamiliar words by looking at other words in a sentence or in pictures.

“We know what works”: DeWine urges Ohio schools to introduce science-based literacy instruction

Many experts and DeWine now say the evidence suggests reading research is the best approach.

Is reading science a specific curriculum or program?


Reading science is a body of research that, over time, shows the best ways to teach children to read. According to the National Center on Improving Literacy, there are core principles or five “big ideas.” They are:

  • Phonemic awareness, the ability to recognize and play with individual sounds in spoken words.
  • Phonics, i.e. the understanding of how letters and groups of letters are linked to sounds.
  • Fluency, i.e. the ability to read words, phrases, sentences and stories quickly and expressively.
  • Vocabulary, i.e. the knowledge of what words mean and how to use them correctly.
  • Comprehension, the ability to understand what you read.

What is the youth literacy rate in Ohio?

About 38% of the state’s third-graders are not reading proficient, according to Ohio’s latest report card data, a slight increase from the 2021-22 school year.

Children whose reading skills are below grade level must participate in reading intervention and monitoring plans based on reading science and receive intensive tutoring.

Do all teachers receive training? How much does it cost?

The state has allocated up to $43 million for professional development for teachers in reading science. All teachers and administrators must complete a reading science course by June 30, 2025. This course was developed in partnership with Keys to Literacy, an educational consulting firm based in Massachusetts.

The course is offered by the state and is free. All teachers who complete it receive a stipend of $400 or $1,200. Administrative staff do not receive a stipend.

How can parents encourage literacy skills at home?

When it comes to teaching children to read and write, the state refers to the National Center on Improving Literacy’s guide for parents and families.

The Center recommends the following activities to encourage your child’s early literacy development:

  • Read together by taking turns reading parts of a book to your child. Use open-ended questions to ask your child what they think about the story and how they might connect with it.
  • Sing nursery rhymes.
  • Play audio books or read aloud. This will give your child more exposure to language.
  • Label items in your home.
  • Talk about everyday experiences and tell stories to help your child build background knowledge about different topics.

For older children, the center recommends playing word games, talking about the meaning of different words, and still reading and talking about books together. Ask questions before, during and after reading together.

Parents can support adolescents in their literacy skills by talking to them about a variety of topics, including school and current events, by providing a variety of age-appropriate reading materials at home, and by reading themselves and setting a good example.

By Olivia

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